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The Stuart Fund

Stuart’s 60 clubs, 18 sports teams, 25 performances, four Congés and numerous forensic awards are just a few examples of what happens in a year at Stuart.


We’re grateful that you—our families, alumnae and friends—help make all of this (and so much more) possible with contributions to the Stuart Fund. These annual unrestricted gifts directly support our operating budget. They allow Stuart to continue to provide a values-based, Sacred Heart education, rich with a variety of programs and opportunities that make a real difference in the education and lives of our girls and preschool boys.

Gifts to The Stuart Fund touch every part of our school, from the arts and athletics, to leadership, faculty excellence, STEM, and more. Learn more about the impact of your gift in Stuart News, Stuart's annual magazine and financial report found here. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Stuart Fund Giving Levels  
Archangels $25,000+
Angel's Circle $10,000 +
Barat Circle $5,000+
Duchesne Circle $2,500+
Stuart Circle $1,000+
Tartan Circle $500+
Green and White Circle $250+
Friends Up to $249
GOLD (Graduates of the Last Decade) $50+


Gifts in memory or in honor 

Stuart Country Day School of the Sacred Heart offers the opportunity to give a gift in honor of an individual, such as a beloved teacher or an alumna. If you would like to make a gift in memory or honor of someone, please indicate when making your gift at On receipt of such a gift, Stuart will contact the honoree or, in cases of memoriam gifts, the family of the individual you wish to honor, to inform them of the gift. Stuart will provide donors with a gift acknowledgement. The designee and the donor will also be recognized in Stuart's Annual Report.

The Stuart Memorial League

All members of the Stuart community are invited to share the passing of a family member with the Head of School’s office, to be listed in the Stuart Memorial League. No donation is required for such a gift to be made to have a loved one included in the Stuart Memorial League. 

The Memorial Window Display

The Memorial Window recognizes those for whom total memorial gifts of $1,000 or more have been given. Gifts may be given once, or over a period of time. They may also be made individually, or collectively. The Memorial Window is rededicated each year at Alumnae Weekend, with invitations being sent to families approximately six weeks before the Memorial Window dedication. 

Signature Events

Tartan Tuesday

Celebrating with confetti
Learn More

Spring Soiree

Learn More

Thank you for your support!

Questions? Please contact: Ashley Stewart, Associate Director of Community Engagement and Annual Giving,, 609.921.6103