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The Sandy Hook shore and bay environment serves as living classroom for AP Environmental and Oceanography students

The Sandy Hook shore and bay environment serves as living classroom for AP Environmental and Oceanography students

AP Evironmental science allows students to take a deeper look into one of the most important issues of our time. Our adventure to Sandy Hook allowed us to observe first hand the creatures that reside in our oceans. We were also able to observe different types of erosion including wind, water, and soil erosion. I am always amazed by the many opportunities Stuart provides for its students, this trip included. Personally my favorite part of the trip was the ability to venture around the area by ourselves and see what we could find. I enjoy this class -- from the lessons to in class experiments and discussions. I would personally recommend this class to anyone interested or concerned about Earth's health. - Maddie Howard '21

The focus of Advanced Placement Environmental Science is the real science behind environmental problems and issues. Laboratory field investigations will constitute an important portion of the course. Topics covered include matter and energy flow, population dynamics, renewable and nonrenewable resources, environmental quality and pollution, environment and society, decision-making, and choices for the future. Oceanography covers a wide range of topics, including marine life and ecosystems, ocean circulation, plate tectonics and the geology of the seafloor, and the chemical and physical properties of the ocean. The nearby NewJersey shore offers a local field study for the ocean ecosystem

Recently students from both classes took their learning to the shore during a visit to the New Jersey Sea Grant Consortium at Sandy Hook, NJ. Students heard about the history and geography of the area from expert guide, Diana Burich. The first stop was a visit to the ocean shore environment of Sandy Hook at high tide. There we learned about maritime forests, dune grasses, and univalve and bivalve organisms. The students tested the littoral current or shoreline flow pattern of the waves and scoured the sand for shells to collect and identify. After a break for lunch, a short bus ride took students to the estuary environment of Sandy Hook Bay. The students observed the water flow into the estuary during the tidal change and looked for waterfowl. Students used chest waders and a seining net to gather benthic organisms from the bay. Mr. Bink's APES students were able to compare and contrast the data and biodiversity in the salt water with that found in the Stuart stream a few days earlier. Dr. Lombardo's Oceanography students connected this field experience with their first oceanography unit which explored the estuary and ocean environment of the New Jersey shore. 

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