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NCGLS hosts Career Day for Upper Schools students with Stuart graduates and parents

NCGLS hosts Career Day for Upper Schools students with Stuart graduates and parents

Our work in advancing the mission of girls’ schools includes ensuring our students have role models and mentors to help them see a career pathway with their skills and talents, especially in male-dominated industries. For a new tradition on the first day of Alumnae Weekend, the Office of Alumnae Engagement partnered with the National Center for Girls’ Leadership at Stuart for a Career Day with alumnae and parents. The event began with alumnae panels by industry, followed by a networking fair with Stuart parents joining our alumnae. The alumnae stories and experiences gave students insight into various career paths, the zig-zag nature of one’s journey to finding your true calling, and the aspects of their Stuart education that were pivotal in their success. During the networking fair, it was truly inspiring to watch our students engaging with professionals from various industries and fields and to see some confident hand-shaking! 

In talking with Stuart alumnae, we often hear how Stuart prepared them for co-ed spaces in college and the workplace. This event allowed our students to hear it firsthand from graduates from a variety of years. In her panel session, Isabel Soto ‘13 shared how Stuart taught her the value of female friendships and how to make her voice heard in male-dominated environments. With that comes the importance of self-promotion and how students should learn to be comfortable in voicing their strengths and advocating for themselves. Offering a bit of practical advice for the networking fair, Isabel said not to look at networking in such a transactional way; focus on building relationships with the individuals.  

We would like to thank all of our participants for making this event a huge success! Their insightful presentations and eagerness to share their knowledge and experience with our students made a lasting impact on their career aspirations. It was truly inspiring to see our students engaging with professionals from various industries and fields, and we are grateful for your role in making this possible.

We would like to thank the following participants for giving their time to make this day happen. We know their knowledge, wisdom, and shared experiences will have a lasting impact on our students’ future successes. Click here for photos. 


Ami Bavishi '03
Cecelia Carlowicz '08
Sarah (Dewi) Caswell ‘10
Lisa Fischbeck ‘73
Alaina Gaines ‘08
Kim Gallagher ‘93
Colleen Farrell McHugh ‘03
Qudsiya Naqui ‘02
Pamela Niederer '03
Kathleen Jefferson '73
Sheila Riley ‘13
Tracy Jefferson Shore ‘91
Isabel Soto ‘13
Wistar Dean Wallace '93


Arancha Campos
Anthony Chiarello
Kaila Doran
Stacie Hannawacker
Anna Kress
Alyson Lawrence
Julia Lopez-Spencer
Betty Marcelino
Kate Morrison
Amy O’Donell
Jill Quigley
Praveena Saram
Sara Scully
Marisa Simon
Betsy Srichai
Rafael Vergara

Additional Guests 

Teletha Brown - Janssen Pharmaceuticals
Jena Feiner - BMS
Vikki Lombardo (former Stuart faculty) - BMS
Donette Quamina-Edghill - BMS
Bingxin Shen - BMS
Laura Shulder - BMS