Junior Sophia Feng volunteers for a local student-led organization called Music Unite, whose mission is to “serve the community with music, a universal language that transcends borders and unites culture.” Sophia is the president of the out of-school part of this organization. For Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Sophia led some Music Unite members to participate in the “Peace, Oneness & Service to Community” commemoration organized by West Windsor Township. At the event, Sophia introduced Music Unite to all participants and led the members in singing the song 'You and Me.' They also contributed to the food collection and initiated a discussion on 'what community means.' Their efforts were highly praised by those present, including the mayor, the chief of police, and members of the Human Relations Council.
Junior Sophia Feng serves community through music at local Martin Luther King, Jr. event
Junior Sophia Feng serves community through music at local Martin Luther King, Jr. event