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Second graders host a state fair for annual inter-disciplinary study on communities

Second graders host a state fair for annual inter-disciplinary study on communities

Fifty Nifty United States! 

For the second grade year-long study of "Expanding Circles of Community," the girls hosted a USA State Fair and proudly presented their work to their Stuart community and families. They started with a pretend radio show in the Stuart Little Theatre and then presented their writing and research to visitors at Millie's "Fairgrounds." Each girl researched and wrote about the geography, economics and history of a state, including biographies and portraits of famous people, a calendar of events, graphs of most utilized sources of energy and a directory of National Parks in their state. The girls worked to create comic strips and design games to help teach visitors about their state. Art, music, Spanish, drama and library/computer classes worked with the social studies and literacy curricula to create a truly immersive learning experience.