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[ViIDEO] Stuart formally welcomes Julia Wall as eighth Head of School

[ViIDEO] Stuart formally welcomes Julia Wall as eighth Head of School

On Friday, September 23, Stuart formally welcomed Julia Wall as the eighth Head of School. Students, faculty, staff, parents and special invited guests gathered together as one community in Cor Unum and looked to the future of Stuart by honoring our traditions with the Flag Ceremony and Mass of the Holy Spirit. Board Chair Cheryl Lagay and Sister Bridget Bearss officially presented Ms. Wall to Msgr. Gregory Malovetz for her installation blessing. 

After a standing ovation and cheers from the Stuart community and special guests, Ms. Wall followed with remarks of gratitude for every person in the room. It was a beautiful and emotional morning and a moving tribute to the unity of our Stuart community.

Just as Msgr Greg proclaimed in his blessing, we believe that with the power of the Holy Spirit upon her, “Julia Breen Wall’s influence will be as Mother Stuart hoped: for [peace], for high aspiration, heavenly-mindedness, for faith, for hope and always for love.”

Please enjoy this video with highlights from the Flag Ceremony, Mass, and Installation of Ms. Wall. Click here for photos from the ceremony and reception