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Orientation and First Day of School Info

Orientation and First Day of School Info

Orientation: Tuesday, September 3

For all students and families new to Stuart or new to a division. All families are welcome to visit and take care of any needs before the first day of school. Have a question about transportation, registration, Magnus or dining? Stop by and speak to one of our staff members. 

EC and Lower School

  • 9:00 to 11:00 AM: This is an open invitation to all families (new and returning students). Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times. This will give you a chance to see your classrooms, meet your teachers, and walk around the Lower School and Stuart campus. 

Middle School

  • 10:00 AM to Noon: All grade 5 students and new grade 6, 7, and 8 students should arrive with a parent and report to the MSRC. New students to the Middle School do not need to wear uniforms. They should bring the device they plan on using this year, as we will set up email and ensure they can connect to the network. New students who have accommodations due to a documented learning difference, an IEP, or a 504 plan at their previous school should stop by the Learning Center from 9 AM through 12:30 PM to meet the learning specialists. 
  • Noon: The Nomad Pizza truck will be here for students who wish to stay and get to know each other. 

Upper School

  • 11:30 AM to 2:00 PM: Orientation is an important meeting for all new students and parents who are new to the Upper School. Students will learn about their schedule, locations of their classrooms, their classmates, and their adviser. We will also have time for a Q&A to ensure you have all of the information that you and your daughter need for a successful transition. Directly following the orientation program, you are invited to join us for a community lunch with the Nomad Pizza truck. 

First Day of School: Wednesday, September 4

Refer to August updates from the divisions for details specific to your child/ren's grade level. 


Welcome Back Signs: Click here to download the PDF of First Day of School signs for your home photos. There will be signs available at school as well.