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Homecoming Weekend Schedule of Events

Homecoming Weekend Schedule of Events

Celebrating 60 years of girls who will change the world. Homecoming Weekend is September 22 and 23. Join us for a weekend of community, joy, and our Unstoppable Stuart spirit! ⁠

Schedule of Events ⁠

Friday, September 22⁠
10:00 AM: Flag Ceremony | Cor Unum⁠
10:30 AM: Mass of the Holy Spirit with the Most Reverend David O'Connell, Bishop of Trenton | Cor Unum⁠
11:30 AM: Blessing of the Mater Window | Front Hall⁠
11:45 AM: NCGLS Speaker with Dr. Annie Soler ’02 | USRC⁠
11:15 AM - 1:30 PM: Green & White Day Lunch with Your Daughter | Student Center⁠
1:30 PM: Green & White Day Games with Live Broadcast by 94.5 WPST | Turf Field⁠
3:45 PM: Stuart Athletics Games⁠
3:45: Tennis⁠
4:15: Field Hockey⁠
5:15: Volleyball⁠
6:30 PM: All-School Bonfire with Live DJ and Jammin’ Crepes Truck | Upper Fields⁠

Saturday, September 23⁠
11:00 AM: Alumnae Vs. Varsity Field Hockey Game | Turf Field⁠
12:00 - 2:00 PM: KOINONIA Festival of World Cultures | Main Parking Lot⁠
7:00 PM: Upper School Homecoming Dance | Student Center