Faculty & Staff
Grounded in the deeply-rooted vision and philosophy of the Goals and Criteria of the Sacred Heart, Stuart’s faculty is an outstanding and diverse group of educators. As subject-matter experts, the Stuart faculty provides the highest level of academic preparation, plus the wisdom and confidence that their girls need to prepare for college and beyond. The high expectations they have for their students are internalized by the students themselves.
Committed to academic excellence and the Sacred Heart mission, Stuart’s faculty members are not only teachers; they are mentors, nurturers and role models. The faculty at Stuart has the desire to make a difference in the lives of the girls they teach, and their students are inspired to go out and make a difference in the world.
Stuart has been a place that has fostered my love for learning, given me the confidence to step outside of my comfort zone, and shaped me into the strong, confident woman I am today. I am grateful for my teachers' unwavering support, and for the encouraging, uplifting community I have been able to be a part of.Allison, Class of 2021
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Note: Click on the name to reveal contact and biographical information. All faculty and staff at Stuart have emails with the following format: first initial + last name @stuartschool.org.

Nina Austria '20